
Vaudeville Sound Group are creative launch partner for Eclipsa Audio,

Vaudeville Sound Group had the honor of being the creative launch partner for Eclipsa Audio, showcasing this groundbreaking 3D audio technology at CES 2025.
Jan 22
 Vaudeville Sound Group is fresh back in the studio from the CES 2025 Show Floor! 

We’re absolutely thrilled to share that Vaudeville Sound Group had the honor of being the creative launch partner for Eclipsa Audio, showcasing this groundbreaking 3D audio technology at CES 2025!

It’s been an incredible journey to see the creative partnership we started with Google, Samsung Electronics, and Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia) at CES 2024 evolve into something extraordinary in 2025. This year, we had the privilege of helping launch Eclipsa Audio to the world, demonstrating the limitless possibilities of immersive audio across content for 8 devices and applications including: YouTube / Samsung Electronics / LG Electronics / TCL / Dell Technologies / Audioscenic Limited / VideoLAN / ARKAMYS

The transformative potential of Eclipsa Audio cannot be overstated. As an accessible, open-source immersive audio solution for the other 80%, it’s set to revolutionize:
• How we experience sound in our homes.
• How creators approach immersive audio 
• Enhancing existing content genres and enabling the creation of entirely new types of immersive experiences. 
• How technology companies and streamers engage audiences like never before.

Hearing both Ambisonic and Channel-based content rendered in a living room together at the same time was nothing short of mind-blowing—a testament not only to the engineering efforts of Google / YouTube / Samsung Electronics / LG Electronics / TCL / Dell Technologies / Audioscenic Limited / VideoLAN / ARKAMYS and thoughtfulness of the approach but to Eclipsa Audio’s promise as a strong contender for the future mezzanine standard of immersive audio.

The response at CES was phenomenal! From demo rooms to the show floor, the buzz was on! Eclipsa Audio earned a spot in the Top 25 Products of CES 2025—an incredible recognition among thousands of innovations and new products showcased.

A huge thank you for having us on board with you all and congratulations to the incredible team that made this happen, including Jani Huoponen, Matt Frost, Jan Skoglund, Felicia Lim, Roshan Baliga, Corinna Hui your expertise and craft and detail have been nothing short of inspiring. This work will shape the future of YouTube and beyond, empowering anyone to create and experience high-resolution immersive audio without barriers.

Here’s to the future of sound and the endless possibilities you have helped to shape with Eclipsa Audio 

#CES2025 #EclipsaAudio #TopAtCES #TopProductsCES #InnovationInSound #Vaudeville#ImmersiveAudio #3DAudio #SpatialSound #CreativePartnership

Click here for more info on Vaudeville - https://www.post-super.com/vaudeville-sound-london