They include uncompressed and compressed audio and video files, graphics, visual effects, animations, titles, credits and other digital assets that make up the final version of the film or TV series. As such, technical deliverables can vary from project to project, but it is important that the production team ensures they are created and delivered per the project’s delivery requirements list to the distributer in a timely and organized manner.
All delivery lists are different, but the key items will be the same for more information please see the technical deliverables section:
For Features
DCP - Digital Cinema Package (OAR Original aspect ratio)
DCDM - Digital Cinema Distribution Master (OAR Original aspect ratio)
KDKM or KDM – key to unencrypt the DCP
Video masters – typically in more than one aspect ratio – OAR and 1.78:1 (requires a pan and scan)
Screening copies
35mm deliverables (less likely these days, but possibly a negative will be requested for archive, neg is known to last 100 years+)
Audio deliverables giving various possible permutations for remixing – Final mix and M&E mixes in stereo, 5.1, 7.1 or Atmos. Plus all the stems, DME splits, ProTools sessions
Music deliverables, stems
For Television
Broadcast Master – HD and / or UHD (possibly different versions in more than one aspect ratio)
Archive Masters
Screening copies
Press and Promo deliverables
Assets for re-versioning
35mm deliverables (less likely these days, but possibly a negative will be requested for archive, neg is known to last 100 years+)
Audio deliverables giving various possible permutations for remixing – Final mix and M&E mixes in stereo, 5.1, 7.1 or Atmos. Plus all the stems, DME splits, ProTools sessions
Music deliverables, stems