
Sohonet’s Tips and Techniques to Add Impactful Sound Design to Your Movie

Sound design – the creation and implementation of audio elements – is one of the most important aspects of filmmaking. Sound design is used to enhance storytelling and immerse audiences, so they feel like they’re not just watching a film… but experiencing it too.
Nov 1
Dialogue, sound effects, ambient noise, music and beyond all fall under the category of sound design. When all of these elements come together to create a soundscape to compliment the picture of a film, that is when the magic truly happens. Strong sound design is a true superhero in evoking emotion from the audience. It can enhance realism or adversely, add fantasy; build tension or add excitement; be shocking or subtle – it really serves as a character in itself.

Creating the best sound design for your film requires a combination of creativity and technical knowledge, as well as an understanding of a film’s narrative, pacing, and emotional beats. Sohonet shares our top tips to ensure your sound design not only enhances the imagery on-screen, but is the star of the show:
