
Post Super Update - 28th May 24

Woohoo… What a week lovely Post Supers! This week we wanted to talk to you about Heads of Production, Directors & Producers! The gatekeepers…
May 28
We know you want to make their projects run as smoothly as possible. To schedule, to budget & to do so with the least stress. But we also know that this doesn’t always happen, for a myriad of reasons.
The villain of the piece is the complexity of post itself... It’s complicated AND difficult to explain or understand. (Even for us & we are used to teaching it!) But the problem really emerges when a HoP, Producer or director lacks knowledge or experience with post, causing major delays to a project, raising tempers & causing disruption across the board.
Post Super understands your pain, we know how important it is to have your key creatives & producers ON SIDE, so using our 5 years of experience teaching Post Production management we have created a new course specifically for your HoPs, Director’s & Producers…
Over the next week or so we will start to send you articles & bits of FREE content designed specifically for them… (The HoPs, Producers & Directors) so that YOU can be the source of authority, signposting them to information which can help you all…
We want you guys to be the heroes… Because you are!
Just a few extra bits for you to know about...
  • Our next event is at Forever Audio on 13th June. Click here to book!
  • Blackmagic are at the DaVinci Live Tour coming up. Join them here
  • APOSTLAB have their next annual workshop - it's their 15th! check it out here
  • And finally the next People in Post Podcast was released this morning - check it out here
Enjoy the rest of your week Post Supers!
Gemma, Jess & the Post Super team