
Post Super Update - 23rd January 24

Gosh a whole week went by & we didn't contact you!! Did you miss us!?! (We missed you...) First... Well, if you are around & in the area, please come to our event in the northern part of the UK on Thursday - We will be in Leeds!!!
Jan 23
We are starting our year off with something exciting - co-hosting an event with some exclusive training at Sticks & Glass in Leeds on Thursday 25th January 2024 from 6.00pm. Email Sarah@post-super.com if you would like to be there!
Second... This is a shout out for mental health...
Ever since our event with Halo just before Christmas to launch our collaboration with the Call-It App, we have been receiving some quite disturbing stories of Bullying & Harassment within Post Production. We are working in the background on a plan to do something... But we are not quite sure what... We would like your thoughts. Can you send us an email if you would like to contribute? info@post-super.com

Third... Training!
Little reminder we have our next Post Super Essentials Course running on 21st - 23rd February 2024!
We have limited spaces left so email Sarah@post-super.com if you would like to get booked on! Below is a quick recap of what it covers…
Overview of the Episodic HETV & Film workflows, diving through the combined picture and sound workflows as well as deliverables. Knowing where you fit into the process is half the battle!
Overview of Post Scheduling & Budgeting, & information on how this affects Post Production decisions later in the project.
An easy to understand session on why things go wrong & how to fix them & maintain relationships.
A Q/A session with a PPS to ask your questions & get some answers...
Fourth... MORE Training!
Screenskills have great new course for anyone in the UK!
Many people in post and VFX are promoted based on their technical skills, a significant majority receive no training in people management or leadership skills at all. These courses, especially created for post and VFX professionals, aims to put that right with relevant, practical, supportive ideas and insights that busy team leaders and managers can put into practice right away.Each course consists of the online session which includes breaks and a lunch break, AND a follow up one-to-one mentor session to really support you in developing your team leadership skills.
ScreenSkills FREE online course ‘Leading Effective teams in post’ 9.30am - 2.00pm Feb 20th - Apply here: Leading effective teams in post-production for HETV - Training Course - ScreenSkills
ScreenSkills FREE online course ‘Leading Effective Teams in VFX’ 9.30am - 2.00pm Feb 27th - Apply here: Leading effective teams in VFX for HETV - Training Course - ScreenSkills
Fifth... Rise Mentoring! Applications to the Rise Mentoring Programme Open in February
You may have to have been living under a rock not to notice the brilliant efforts of RISE & their award-winning Rise Mentoring Programme is coming back soon, with applications for both Mentees and Mentors opening on 1st of February.
The coveted six-month programme will be proposed across the UK, Europe, ANZ, APAC, India and North America regions and will support women working in, or aspiring to work in the broadcast and media technology sector, by offering them opportunities including:
Being matched with an industry Mentor, with at least 12 hours one-to-one contact;
Monthly Mentee meetings and access to industry events to help broaden their networks;
Regular training sessions – from careers mapping through to creating your personal brand and boosting resilience and assertiveness;
Peer-to-peer support from fellow Mentees, as well as guidance and support from the Rise team.
If you are planning to apply, and would like to get a head start on your application, we invite you to reflect on why you wish to join and what you are hoping to achieve through the programme - this will make the process a breeze for you when it opens in just two short weeks!
Sixth & Final... A New Addition to our Post Production Directory!

We are committed to jumping up and down about this directory - as you gear up for new projects in the new year & beyond it should be an go-to place for you to look up new potential facilities, crew & resources! We are delighted to announce the latest addition! Take a moment to explore the offerings of this fantastic company who want to be connected with you. They have news to share with us already...

The launch of SCENESIS Pictures – the boutique VFX studio bringing their Paris craft to the UK with a unique CG Workflow.
For more info on Scenesis, click here

Read the article here