
Budgeting Editorial & Post Production Crew

Editorial crew is a very important part of the budget, making sure you have enough people to do all the work in the editorial cutting room will both ensure that the project is completed on time & to the standard the production will expect without burning out the crew members or costing unnecessary time in mistakes or delays!
Dec 15
Please see more information about it here (link)

Likewise having enough people in the Post Production office will also be important to complete all the work needed. The amount of people that populate the Post Production Office has changed drastically within the last ten years.

Please see more information about it here (link)

This area of the budget will include the weekly rates fees for the staff (including an allowance for overtime) directly linked to weeks of editorial in the post schedule. The amount of crew onboard typically relates to the scale, budget and ambition of the project:

The Crew
Editor (s)
Assistant Editor (s)
VFX editor
Music Editor
Edit PA
Post Producer and / or Post Supervisor
Post Coord
Post PA