

What’s a short synopsis of the story? Big Mood offers a vibrant and audacious portrayal of female friendship entangled with the challenges of serious mental illness. Across its six episodes, the series fearlessly delves into the chaotic nuances of adult life, weaving together wicked humour, absurd anecdotes, and poignant truths.
May 1
Who did JAM VFX work with on it?

The series has been written and created by Camilla Whitehill and directed by Rebecca Asher. The production company is Dancing Ledge Productions and it’s commissioned by Channel 4. Starring Nicola Coughlan, Lydia West, Ukweli Roach, Eamon Farren, Robert Gilbert and Amalia Vitale.

Where is the project running?

The season will be running on Channel 4 and international markets.

What kind of VFX were in this show?

Our primary task for the show involved integrating CGI rats into a bar scene after the real rats for the shoot weren’t up for performing on the day! Additionally, we handled gore effects such as adding blood to plasters, various bits of cleanup and screen comps throughout the series.

Did you face any challenges around creating techniques? If so, how did you overcome them?

Due to budget constraints and a tight timeline, we had to find a cost-effective solution for creating rat assets promptly. Our approach involved a combination of chroma-shot rat assets and CG animations available as stock. While this method had limitations on performance and placement due to the stock, the initial testing we did had promising results. However, it fell short of being a complete solution for the shot.

The live-action plates of static rats worked well and with some adjustments, they could be integrated. Nevertheless, we recognised the need to incorporate CG elements to achieve certain movements, such as basic run cycles and subtle tail wiggles. This approach would enable more effective lighting, animation, and control over their direction of movement, allowing us to utilise natural openings more efficiently within the scene.

When will it air?

All episodes are available now as a box set on Channel 4 stream.

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